What is rooom360?

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    rooom360 allows you to create and edit 360° virtual tours. This article shows you what that means.


    What is rooom360?

    rooom360 is based on virtual 360° tours. Such tours are taken with a special camera that creates a 360° scan from photographs and 3D data. A virtual 360° tour is then generated from these scans.

    Virtual 360° tours offer the possibility to digitize your real estate, your showroom or other premises and make them a realistic experience. Thanks to Virtual Staging, even 3D models can be integrated into this experience. This is how rooom360 connects the virtual with the real world and offers many application possibilities.


    What possibilities does rooom360 offer me?

    After a 360° scan of a space has been performed and processed into an online tour (also called a "showcase"), you can add additional content and interaction points to it using rooom360. You have the following options:



    How much does a 360° tour cost?

    Pricing is based on the size of the object and the number of scan points. There are two components here:

    • one-time creation costs for the 360° scan
    • monthly hosting fee for providing the online tour (10€ per showcase and 0,25€ per scan point each)

    Details can be found on our website.

    You want to try the whole thing first? We offer a 14-day free trial period. With our templates you can get started right away.

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