Media management in Space Editor

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    You can upload your own media to your 3D space. In this article you will learn how to use the media library.

    Objects with displays can be enhanced with media such as images, videos or PDFs. This makes your space even more interactive and you can provide your guests with useful content.


    What is the media library and where can I find it?

    The media library is a collection of all media uploaded from your account. If you have multiple spaces in your account, you can use files you've already uploaded across all spaces without having to add them again. You can find the media library in the left menu bar under Media Uploads.

    The media library consists of five categories:

    • Images (logos, preview imagess, branding, ...)
    • GIFs (animated graphics)
    • PDF documents/Flipbooks (flyer, brochures, presentations, product information, ...)
    • Videos (short clips running in loop)
    • Audio (sound for specific objects or background music matching the atmosphere)


    How to upload media to the library

    You can add as many media as you like to your library via the big plus (Upload). Select the right category and upload a file from your computer.

    If necessary, you can also remove single files from your media library:


    Which file formats are supported?

    Do you have trouble uploading a file? Check if the format is supported in the specific category and the file size does not exceed the limit.

    Category File formats Max. file size
    Images .jpg, .jpeg, .png 10 MB
    GIFs .gif 10 MB
    Flipbooks .pdf 20 MB
    Videos .mp4, .ogv 40 MB
    Audio .mp3 10 MB


    Performance Tip

    To improve the performance of your space, we recommend to use the embedding option via YouTube/Vimeo link. Too many or very large MP4 files can slow down the loading time when entering the Space Viewer.

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