Use Measurement Mode in Space Viewer

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    Find out how you can measure distances in your Space Viewer to measure objects or rooms.

    The Measurement Mode in the Space Viewer is a handy feature that allows you to measure distances within your virtual space. Whether you're looking to determine the distances between furniture pieces or measure space for a new object, this tool makes it possible. In this article, we'll show you how to effectively use the Measurement Mode.


    How to Start Measurement Mode

    Start Measurement Mode: Click on the image-removebg-preview (2).png button at the bottom left. This activates the measurement mode in your Space Viewer.


    How to Use Measurement Mode

    1. Start Measurement: Click on the '+' button at the bottom center. This starts the measurement.
    2. Set First Measurement Point: Click on any position to place your first measurement point. This point marks the start of your distance measurement.
    3. Set Second Measurement Point: After setting the first point, click on another position to place the second measurement point. The distance between these two points is automatically calculated and displayed.
    4. Delete Last Measurement Point: If you made a mistake in placing a measurement point or no longer need a point, you can delete the last set point by pressing the Delete key. This allows you to adjust and optimize your measurements without having to start over.
    5. End Measurement: Click on the checkmark button to end the measurement. You will still be in measurement mode afterwards.
    6. Exit Measurement Mode: If you have completed the measurement or wish to exit measurement mode, you can simply press the Escape key on your keyboard or click the X button at the top right. This deactivates measurement mode, and you can continue with your normal experience in the Space Viewer.


    Create a Screenshot of Measurement


    Focus on the measurement, or the part of the space you want to take a screenshot of, and click on the download button at the top right. A screenshot of your current view in the Space will now be downloaded.


    Adjust Measurement Mode Settings


    Click on the gear button at the top right to show the settings for measurement mode. You have the following options:

    • Continuous Measurement Paths: Activate continuous measurement paths to create a measurement from more than two points.
    • Unit: Here, you can switch between the units of meters and feet.
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