Learn how to display a website live in a rooom Space on a 3D plane.
Step 1: Is displaying the website in an iFrame allowed?
Start in the Space Editor of your rooom account. Make sure you have the URL of the website you want to embed, and that the website is allowed to be displayed in an iFrame. If the website is not displayed, contact the website administrator to configure the x-frame-options.
Step 2: Select Object
To display the website, you need an object with a plane in your Space:
- (If you do not have an object with a plane in your Space, add one using the
- Double-click on the object where you want to display the website.
- This will open the object's editing menu.
Step 3: Set Custom Plane
In the object's editing menu, select the appropriate plane under Displays and activate the "Custom Plane" option:
- Click on the “Displays” tab.
- Check the box for “Custom Plane” on the appropriate plane.
Step 4: Insert Website URL
Now you can select the website display option and insert your URL:
- Select the “Website” tab.
- Enter the full URL of the website (with https:// at the beginning) into the designated field.
To ensure the correct display of the website, make sure to keep the object with the website plane at its original scale (scaling value = 1).
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