Generate an environment for your space

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Quickly and easily generate a 360 degree environment panorama for your Space in the rooom Space Editor.


1. Access the Environment Generator

Click on the icon with the AI logo in the left menu. You will be directed to the input form for environment generation.


2. Describe the Environment

To create an environment for your space, simply describe what should be depicted.

  1. Description: Specify how the environment of your space should look. For example: "Sunset on the beach with clouds."
  2. Avoidances: Describe what should not appear, like "no buildings."


3. Choose a Style

Select a style on the right. Options include realistic, artistic, or fantastical styles.


4. Generate and Use

Click "Generate." The AI will create the skybox. Save it or use it directly in your space.



  • Be precise in your descriptions for better results.
  • Try different styles.
  • Use the avoidances field to exclude unwanted elements.
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