Engagement during a session

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There are different ways of interacting with the speaker and the audience during a live session. In this article you will learn how to actively participate in a session.


1. Chat

2. Q&A

3. Polls

4. Quiz


Virtual and hybrid events thrive on exciting, interactive live streams. Thanks to rooomEvents, you can actively participate in the program with a variety of features.

1. Call up the desired program item via the agenda.

2. Click on the blue icon in the bottom right corner.

3. A sidebar containing several tabs will open: Chat, Q&A, Polls and Quiz.


Please note: Program items can be individually equipped with different features. This is why you may have different options for different sessions. All possible features are explained below.


The live chat is an open channel available to all participants for a free exchange. Simply enter your message in the text field and send it with the Enter key.

You can use the live emojis to express your emotions during the program and applaud the speakers virtually, for example.


PS: Chat and emojis can also be displayed directly below the live stream for some program items.


Q&A sessions give you the chance to post specific questions during the program. These are managed by a moderator.

Enter a question and submit it by clicking on Send. This will now be checked and approved by the moderator.

With the Like button you can react to the questions of other participants.


PS: In some cases, the reduced Q&A module can also be used. This appears independently from the sidebar and only offers the possibility to send questions (without sharing and likes).



Polls are created by the host and offer the opportunity to vote on a specific topic. Both single-choice and multiple-choice polls are possible, as well as open-text responses.

In the case of interconnected question blocks, all questions must first be answered before the response can be submitted.

After voting, the results of the poll can be published by the moderator (optional).



Take the quiz and prove your knowledge! Both single and multiple choice questions are possible.

After participation, the results can be displayed (optional). The moderator will determine the winner.

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