Video calls in rooomEvents

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Video calls are seamlessly embedded in the rooomEvents user interface. In this article you will learn how to use video calls for networking.

You can use the video call feature without downloading a specific application. The conversations take place directly on the event platform.


1. How to request a video call

2. How to accept a video call


How to request a video call

1. Open the virtual business card of the person you want to get in touch with (e.g. via the networking area).

2. Click the Start video call icon.


3. If necessary, you can cancel the request at any time with the phone button. 


4. The person will now receive a notification about your request and can either accept or decline the call.

5. If the person is not available at the moment, the request will be automatically cancelled after one minute and they will receive a notification about the missed call. If the person accepts your call, a new window will open.

Tip: If the person is not available at the moment, try to book an appointment using the calendar on the business card.


How to accept a video call

1. You will be informed about an incoming video call via a pop-up window. You have the option to decline or accept the request.


2. When accepting, you will be asked to give access to your camera and microphone.

3. During the video call, the following features are available:


4. If you can't answer the video call right now, you will receive a notification about the request and can contact the person later if necessary.

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