Breakout spaces can be used for spontanous round table meetings. In this article you will learn how to create and administrate an interactive breakout space.
An interactive breakout room is a virtual 2D space where you can host online meetings to exchange ideas on specific topics. They are also known as Virtual Spaces, Round Tables or Lounges.
1. Select Interactions -> Virtual Spaces on the sidebar menu and click the Create Virtual Space button.
2. Fill in the following:
- Name: Refer to the name or topic of your breakout space.
- Max User Count: You can define a limit of users who can join the space (recommendation: max. 30 users).
Thumbnail Image: Upload a preview image for your space.
- 500 px x 500 px x 72 dpi (aspect ratio 1:1)
- Max. 150 KB
- Format: jpeg, jpg, png
Background Image: This is the image that will be shown as a floorplan during the interactive meeting. We recommend you to create a graphic with different areas or topics.
- 1400 px x 700 px x 72 dpi (aspect ratio 2:1)
- Max. 500 KB
- Format: jpeg, jpg, png, svg
Display User's Name On Avatar: Here you can define whether the participant's name is displayed
- permanently,
- not at all or
- only when hovering over the participant's avatar.
- Areas: Leave this field blank for now.
4. To create separate areas or tables in the room, click on the edit button at the respective breakout space. Now click on the Enable drawing button. Click on the background image and connect the dots to define separate areas. You should always leave a gap between each area.
In this way, you can assign the areas or tables to specific topics. People who are in the same area will be automatically connected to each other.
5. Save your update again.
You can create multiple breakout spaces in the same way.
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