Create and manage event pages in the CMS

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    With CMS you can easily and flexibly design your event platform. In this article you will learn more about using the CMS.

    With the CMS (Content Management System) you can create individual pages (microsites) and flexibly design the menu items. You can either choose from predefined modules or create completely individual pages.


    Create new page

    1. Go to the menu item Content -> CMS and click on [ + Create new Page ].


    2. Fill in the following:

    • Menu Title: Name of the page in the left menu bar
    • Slug: Path of the URL, e.g.
    • Header: Headline of the page
    • Page Type:
      • Content: Individual configuration of texts, images and iFrames (e.g. videos, 3D viewer) with the Content Editor
      • Module: Selection of standard modules, e.g. networking, exhibitors, agenda, etc.
      • Link: Link to an external URL 
    • Menu Position: Display in main menu (left sidebar) or footer
    • Move Page Behind: Set position in the menu (under another CMS page)
    • Icon: You can choose from a variety of icons 
    • Default Page: The page will be used as the home page
    • Active Page: The page will be delivered in the frontend
    • Open in new window: The page will open in a new browser tab


    3. Click on Save to create the page. 

    4. The page is now listed in the CMS overview. There you also get a preview of the menu items' order.


    5. You can delete or edit pages at any time (Please note: the home page can only be deleted if it is no longer marked as the default page).


    Edit content pages

    Pages of the type Content can be configured individually.

    1. Select the page and add a New Container.


    2. Header: You can enter a title for the container.

    3. Text: Here you can add not only text, but also various media content. Read more here.


    4. Click on Save to add the container.

    5. In this way you can create multiple containers and arrange them flexibly.



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