How to use the ToDo list

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With ToDo's you can assign tasks to other convention managers and keep track of the status of your event. In this article you will learn how to work with the ToDo lists in the rooomEvents backend.

As a professional event management tool, the backend has a helpful ToDo function that you can use to plan and manage your event. You have the possibility to create, assign and prioritize individual tasks. This makes collaboration easier, especially for multiple convention managers.


Create tasks

1. In the backend, go to the menu item Todo. There you can see all the tasks already created for the selected event.

2. To add a new todo to the list, click on the button New task.


3. Give the task a name, assign a user account (with the Convention Manager role!) as the editor and set a deadline.

4. In the description field you can add further information. 

5. You can also set a label.

6. Afterwards you click on Add task. This will add the todo to the list.


Once you have completed a task, you can easily tick that task off.


Have fun managing your event!

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