If your 3D model could not be loaded into our system, you can get an estimate of the cost to manually adjust your 3D model.
If you upload 3D data via the Dashboard and the automatic optimization for our system fails, the uploaded object may not meet our requirements. Click here for more information on the requirements of your 3D data.
Instead of adjusting your data yourself, you can get a non-binding estimate of the costs for a manual adjustment from us. In this article, you'll learn how to do that.
Getting an estimate of the cost
If the upload of your data fails, a button labeled Improve will appear on the tile of your upload.
Click on this button and confirm to receive a non-binding cost estimate for the necessary adjustment of your data.
Now your request will be processed by our experts. During this processing time, you will see a field with the inscription In progress in the place of the Improve button.
Request an offer
Once we have finished estimating the cost of manually customizing your 3D data, you will receive a notification email.
You can now also view the non-binding cost estimate in the dashboard.
Now you can request an official offer by clicking on Request Offer and confirming your selection.
Order the manual customization
Now you will receive an official offer from our sales team via email. If you accept the offer, we will notify you as soon as your 3D model has been optimized for our system.
If you reject the offer, we will automatically delete your data after 30 days.
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